Invitation to Local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting on 10th June 2024

This is to invite you (and your organisation) to the Local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting, being part of the potential stakeholders of the Ayyalur Livelihoods Project. With financial support from the Livelihoods Carbon Fund 3 (LCF3), SEEDS Trust is set to implement a large-scale, long-term agroforestry project using carbon finance, in the Ayyalur Region of Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu.

The aim is to establish an agroforestry model which consists of multi-purpose native and naturalized trees, potentially intercropped with pulses, millets, vegetable/flower shrubs and wild-food tubers with allied income generating activities on 8,000 ha of privately-owned lands to provide income and nutritional diversity and security for 8,000 to 10,000 small-holder farmer households. The project will be registered under the Gold Standard in order to value the emission reductions allowed by the project into certified carbon credits.

Therefore, the Ayyalur Livelihoods Project would like to invite you to its Local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting, as part of the local stakeholders including the potential participants, governmental and non-governmental organisations, women and farmer groups, research and educational institutions, policy makers at local, State and National level and community members and representatives directly or indirectly affected by the project.

The LSC Meeting will be held on 10th June 2024, at S. K. S. Sri Kamatchi Amman Thirumana Mandapam, Vedasandur Road, Vadamadurai, between 10:00 AM to 1.00 PM


  • Reception of the participants
  • Inauguration of the Local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting
  • Introduction & Presentation of the project
  • Questions and feedback session on the project
  • Safeguarding principles assessment of the project
  • Discussion on Sustainability assessment of the project & monitoring of sustainable development indicators
  • Discussion on the grievance mechanismand stakeholder feedback round
  • Project and workshop evaluation
  • Closure of the consultation


  • Reception of the participants
  • Inauguration of the Local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting
  • Introduction & Presentation of the project
  • Questions and feedback session on the project
  • Safeguarding principles assessment of the project
  • Discussion on Sustainability assessment of the project & monitoring of sustainable development indicators
  • Discussion on the grievance mechanismand stakeholder feedback round
  • Project and workshop evaluation
  • Closure of the consultation

I kindly request you to grace the event and provide your valuable inputs and feedback during the event.  We thank you in advance for your availability and support. 

In case you are not able to attend the event in person, we have created the following options and channels for communicating your feedback and comments till the 09th July 2024:

  1. You can participate online through the link below:

Join the meeting now (Meeting ID: 352 218 110 828; Passcode: dD5ikt)

  1. We invite you to send your comments on the non-technical summary attached to this letter no later than 09th July 2024 by email to the following addresses: or or by telephone: +91-6383408155.

தமிழ் மொழி


Invitation to Local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting to be held on the 10th June 2024, at Vadamadurai, Dindigul District

The Ayyalur Livelihoods Project is set to be implemented by SEEDS Trust in the Dindigul district of Tamil Nadu, aimed at establishing an agroforestry model which consists of multi-purpose native and naturalized trees, potentially intercropped with pulses, millets, vegetable/flower shrubs and wild-food tubers with allied income generating activities on 8,000 ha of privately-owned lands to provide income and nutritional diversity and security for 8,000 to 10,000 small-holder farmer households. With financial support from the Livelihoods Carbon Fund 3 SICAV RAIF (LCF3), who will be the Project Proponent, as per the Gold Standard  ( under which the project will be registered, to value the emission reductions allowed by the project into certified carbon credits. The project non-technical summary ( and more project details are available for reference and download at (

As a potential stakeholder or member of a stakeholder organization that may benefit from/be affected by the project, we invite you to participate in its Local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting, to be held on 10th June 2024, (between 10:00 AM to 1.00 PM) at S. K. S. Sri Kamatchi Amman Thirumana Mandapam, Vedasandur Road, Vadamadurai, Dindigul District.

Local stakeholders including the potential farmer participants, governmental and non-governmental organisations, women and farmer groups, research and educational institutions, policy makers at local, State and National level and community members representatives directly or indirectly impacted by the project will attend and discuss various project aspects and seek clarification from the project implementing and supporting agencies.

The following will be the agenda:

• Reception of the participants
• Inauguration of the Local Stakeholder Consultation Meeting
• Introduction & Presentation of the project
• Questions and feedback session on the project
• Safeguarding principles assessment of the project
• Discussion on Sustainability assessment of the project & monitoring of sustainable development indicators
• Discussion on the grievance mechanism and stakeholder feedback round
• Project and workshop evaluation
• Closure of the consultation

In case you are not able to participate directly in the event, you can participate online through a Microsoft teams call linked here
We also invite you to share your comments and feedback on the non-technical summary attached to this letter before the meeting or no later than 09th July 2024 through the following channels.

1. By email either to or
2. By post addressed to The Project Director, SEEDS Trust, H1/67, R.M. Colony, 1st Cross, Dindigul-624 001, Tamil Nadu, India
3. By calling this Indian telephone line: 6383408155
4. By filling the google feedback form available at

We request you to kindly grace the event and provide your valuable inputs and feedback during the event and for 30 days after, in the above-mentioned channels.
Please also use our contact details for any questions or for further project information prior to the Consultation and for providing your feedback in case you are not able to participate in the stakeholder meeting.
We thank you in advance for your availability and support.